
ésam Caen/Cherbourg offers three degrees: the DNA (3-year Bachelor), the DNSEP (2-year Master) and the research doctorate (3-year PhD). There are two options for the DNA: Art and Graphic Design and three options for the DNSEP: Art, Edition, Design & transitions.


Training in creation through creation

ésam Caen/Cherbourg is a school of all possibilities, from discovery to plastic experimentation, from initiation to mastery of techniques, from reflection to understanding the challenges of contemporary art. Open to the world, today’s creators are also invited to invent the forms and professions of tomorrow. 

Studies at ESAM Caen/Cherbourg are characterized by a global approach to art and design. This approach emphasizes the articulation between theory and practice on the one hand, and between creation and technique on the other. Cross-disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and experimentation allow for the validation of specific skills as well as a great capacity for creation and adaptation after school.


The training is organized in three successive cycles of study sanctioned by diplomas which, through the implementation of a project-based pedagogy, progressively place the students’ personal project at the heart of their training :

The National Diploma of Art (Bachelor degree)
The first cycle of studies, lasting three years, gives students the fundamental theoretical and technical tools of artistic practice and leads them to the discovery and development of their personal work. Our two diplomas are :

 DNA in Art
 DNA in Graphic Design

After a first year of strong immersion and discovery common to all students of the school, the entry in the second year is marked by the choice of the option : Art or Graphic Design. In the 3rd year, the process of elaboration, defense and presentation of the diploma begins, allowing the implementation of an autonomous methodology that aims to develop a singular work.

The National Superior Diploma of Plastic Expression (Master degree)
The second cycle, which lasts two years after obtaining the DNA, is essentially devoted to the preparation of the diploma. Before entering the 4th year, students choose one of the Master’s degree courses offered by the school :

- DNSEP in Art with a major in Art ;
- DNSEP in Design with a specialization in Edition ;
Double degree Design & Transitions - opened in September 2022 with SciencesPo Rennes - Campus des Transitions in Caen.

Students develop their personal practice while continuing their courses and workshops, and initiate a reflection in dialogue with their work through their thesis, as well as a collective reflection through the organization of initiation to research seminars.

After obtaining the DNSEP, students can apply for the RADIAN (Research in Art, Design, Innovation, Architecture in Normandy) doctorate in artistic creation and research, carried since 2018 by ésam Caen/Cherbourg, the École supérieure d’art et design Le Havre-Rouen (ESADHaR), the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Normandie and the doctoral school 558 "History, Memory, Heritage, Language" within Normandie-Université.

  International 2020-21 / Canaries
  Accrochages - Photo par Axel Spagnol (2021-02)
  Modular Type Design
  Esam / Caen / Bibliothèque
  Esam / Caen / Atelier photo
  Esam / Caen / Atelier imprimerie
  MAGMA live 20 mars 2021
  Esam / Caen / Atelier gravure
  Esam / Caen / Atelier informatique
  Guest 2020-21 / Nicolas Tourte / Workshop follow the white rabbit, plaster to infinity
  Esam / Caen / Atelier lithographie
  Esam / Caen / Atelier lithographie
  Esam / Caen / Atelier sérigraphie
  Esam / Caen / Atelier photo
  Esam / Caen / Salle d'accrochage
  Workshop Makenoise , avec Nicolas Germain et son invité Lionel Fernandez
  Esam / Caen / Atrium
  Esam / Caen / Atelier gravure
  Esam / Caen / Studio son